Monday, October 30, 2006
Aidilfitri 06 Part I
1st Syawal

pink, white n maroon were e colours of e year. n yes, only 2 pinks were arnd.
day 1 photos
2nd Syawal
went for DCM in blue kebaya. was late for class so
tangkap glamour kejap. haha...
day 2 photos
3rd Syawal
had DCE tt day. it seems so weird not wearing anything
'rayaish'. so purple kebaya top it is!
day 3 photos
HEREp.s.- another decent foto wif my
ninonet. woohoooo!
p.p.s. - Aidilfitri 06 Part II coming up soon...

Suliana Hot Momma at 5:14 AM
Monday, October 23, 2006
Welcome to Vivo City!
yest Khairil came over to see Rina before going off to KL. he suggested going to e brand new Vivo City. i contemplated whether to go or not. part of me juz wanted him to take Rina out. but a part of me wanted to see Vivo City. there has been so much hype over it. plus i was hoping to do sum shopping for raya. so ya, i decided to go.
i took tt pic on top wen we juz arrived. we were going down e escalator after parking e car. to him, if ur reading dis, it almost felt like old times. almost cos we both know it'll never be the same as before. let's make a deal. even if e inevitable happens, we must stay frens n go out like how we did yest k. wif Rina of course. agreed?
anywayz, Vivo City is wat ppl say it is. gigantic, big, huge. it's spacious too. n omg, e brands tt i saw juz from a glance are eye-popping. i went straight to Zara 1st.
sekali Rina nangis, so tak jadi nak visit
Kak Zara. she kept crying so i told Khairil to buy food for her. as soon as she got her LJS Kids Meal,
terus senyap.
anak aku lapar lah beb.
Amirul stayed over at my place e nite before. so he tagged along. he was e appointed babysitter for e day. i told him, watever happens, tt foot must never b in danger. n
alhamdulillah, nuthing happened to Rina. wen they were at e play area, he said no everytime Rina wanted to go up e slide n opted to entertain her wif building blocks instead. my verdict? pass! so do i look like a mother of 2? Kai said i do. hmm...i shall take tt as a compliment. babes, wat do u tink?
p.s. - e rest of e pics
HERE. all taken wif my 6111.
Suliana Hot Momma at 6:01 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Ibu's 46th
4 big ones n 6 small ones - e coffee cake was so sedap!

rina n her bday nenek
e bday girl gets e double
ah, ni baru band foto!
me - keyboardist, ayah - singer/guitarist, fifi - drummer
haha, ya rite!
Ibu turned 46 yest. juz wen we were abt to recover frm all e bday celebrations in sept, there came another cake! not tt we didnt like it...e coffee cake was delicious.
tak sia2 try flavour baru. n it'll denifitely not be e last time we celebrate wif a coffee cake.
it was a simple affair @ rumah yewtee. i was supposed to have tuition but e mum wanted to postphone it to e next day (2day lah kan!). so me n rina (still wearing her sch uni) went over before ibu left for work. yes ppl, ibu still went to work last nite.
we had fun taking pics. surprisingly, ayah was kinda 'sporting'. e 'band' foto? i like :)
wen ibu had to leave for work, i had to distract rina. in case she cries for her nenek. so fifi n me brought her into e jamming rm (my 'ex-room'). i tried out a simple basic rhythm on e drums n fifi helped 'polish' it for me. sounds nicer. i like :)
while fifi was playing, i sat beside rina who was fiddling wif e electric guitar.
try punyer try, fifi helped me wif e chords. den i played simple chords n fifi joined in on e drums. our own mini jamming session. i like :)
e rest of e pictures are
HEREoh btw, i sent rina to sch juz now. her 1st day wif e cast. e teachers said she was ok, even walked arnd wif her classmates. she didnt even cry a single tear. i'm so proud of my princess :)
Suliana Hot Momma at 4:18 AM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
euphoria. u noe tt feeling u get wen ur extremely happy. esp if u got sumthing u've really wanted, for a looong time. or wen sumthing totally unexpected happens n it gets u dreaming e craziest dream. or wen sumone gives u a compliment tt totally seems sooo bedek but actually ur feeling sooo kembang.
i've been getting a lot of tt lately. euphoria i mean, NOT e compliments. i dunno y, almost everything makes me happy. n i mean H-A-P-P-Y. but unfortunately, e novelty is wearing off. it's like my standard of euphoria has dropped. noe wat i mean? sumone once told me not to use e word 'sorry' so often because den my 'sorry' wont have its value anymore. so ya, my 'euphoria' has lost its meaning.
n dis happy feeling gets me smiling so much tt i freaked out my bro 2day. i sat down in front of kai n all i did was say 'hi' n smile. he'ld say sumthing n i'ld reply wif 'hi' n a smile. bcos tt's all i felt like doing. S-M-I-L-E. tak caya ask rye, e person who gets all my nonsense every day. wenever i cant stop smiling, she'll give me TT look n squeezeee e story out of me. trust me, there's ALWAYS a story. take last thursday for example. as usual, i met rye n kai after dce. n i had dis stupid smiling face for god knows how long. cite punyer cite punyer cite, al-kisah...oh, n on saturday, i kept repeating THOSE words. " it!" " it!" " it!" if i hadnt shown fifi THE sms, he'ld have thought i had gone crazy!
oh ya, sunday was e ultimate ah. i finally paid geylang a visit n bought my baju raya, 2 in fact. i was sooo happpyyy! so i texted e same sms to 4 diff peeps. if not for e stupid crowd n e fact tt punya susah sey nak sms, i tink i would have smsed all my peeps. ya, i was TT happy. k k, i tink i shld stop using e word 'happy'. was tt e tenth time? dunno lah, tak kuasa nak kira.
so ya, back to lost of meaning. i get TT feeling so easily, like in a split sec. n small little things can make me so happy (ah damn, i used it again). n how does it disappear? e exact same way! in a split sec n a small little thing can kill it. n i mean kill. kill as in smile is wiped off my face instantly. tt's not good is it? my body is a wonderland. eh wrong, my body is a rollercoaster lah beb. my highs n lows are secs apart. n it's frustrating lah. seriously.
k k, i tink i'm beginning to sound nonsensical. wat am i doing blogging abt euphoria, lost of meaning, happiness n watnots?? i shld stick to fotos. yeah, so here goes...

my 'cindy crawford' n i

us again - rina is doing ok btw. albeit her ngada2ness lah. crying once in a while, 1 per day usually.

me and dayanah - we were 'separated' for 2 whole weeks before finally meeting in sch last week. aper lagi, tt calls for a big hug! haha.
last but certainly not e least (excluding height of course), me n ryehan - dis is 1 of our FEW decent pics. by decent i mean wifout tt ever so popular nose. hers eh, not mine. she's e who listens to my nonsense (good AND bad), e one who makes me laugh n e one who knocks sense into me (but i dun guarantee it works lah, haha). n it works both ways eh. she's full of crap too u noe. alah, we're both full of crap lah. n crazy. n nonsensical. n lame. over u! oh, n we're each other's atm machines. haha.
Suliana Hot Momma at 6:16 AM
Friday, October 13, 2006
follow-up KK appt
waiting for the nurse to call us

they opened e bandage and her foot was still bleeding badly. it took all of me not to cry. i know i gotta stay strong for Rina. she hugged me tight while they plastered her foot.

she was fine after tt. but i know e cast is uncomfortable. juz look @ her face, she's trying hard to b strong. i'm so proud of my princess :)
e follow-up doc said e same thing as e bone specialist i.e. she fractured 3 bones in her 3 toes. he said her foot needs to be in a plastercast. we will have to go to KK again in 2 weeks time. more specifically 3 days after raya, on e 27th. they'll take off e cast n xray her foot again. hopefully e bones would have healed by den. insya-allah...keep Rina in ur prayers k? thanx babes :)

on a lighter note, here's sumthing i took @ nenek's place.
rina: i wanna b a ballerina!
naziyah: eh, kiter takde space lahhhh...
solehah: i wanna eat ur hand!!
amirul: ahhh...dun eat my hand!!
wat's life wifout kids like dis rite? i love my family. n i love u peeps. n i love my princess :)
Suliana Hot Momma at 7:04 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
mental note
1. DLK final test - 6th Nov
2. DCE assignment 2 - due 6th Nov
3. DCM class test - 18th Oct
4. Music thingy - have no bloody idea...
p.s.- update on Rina in next entry
Suliana Hot Momma at 9:37 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
2 A&E visits in less than 1 week!
last Wed i was here...

...from 5plus till past midnite. i went to e polyclinic in e afternoon bcos i woke up wif a giant headache n cudnt go for classes. i've been having blurred vision too. so e doc immediately sent me to e A&E @ NUH. she gave me a referral letter n told me to go there straightaway. so i did. by myself. n yes, i was by myself all thruout my stay there. e diagnosis?
IT is still bad. in fact, mayb worse. e hosp doc said tt e level is quite high.
IT is causing my heartbeat to be unstable.
IT has affected my vision. my right eye has complications.
IT is making me lose more weight. i'm lighter than b4.
n after 3 days, another incident happened yest. as a result, dis is Rina now...

yest, i brought Rina to e library @ lot 1. while i was picking out books to borrow, Rina climbed an empty bookshelf and fell on her back. e bookshelf then fell on her. on her left foot to be exact. her 1st 3 toes were in awkward positions n immediately i suspected sumthing broke. i was in shock n i took a few secs to react. den i called Ayah. i pushed e bookshelf away, carried Rina and struggled to grab e bags which were on e floor. thruout e whole thing, ppl (including parents!) looked @ us as though we were zoo exhibits. damn those ppl!
by e time i reached e taxi stand, her foot swelled up n became blue-black. n once again, ppl juz walked past n stared. yes, including mlys. n yes, including makciks2. double damn!! i asked for ice @ e 7-11. but den Rina didnt want anything to touch her foot. called my cd fren. he asked his medic for advice. n told me to brg her to doc. den Ayah arrived n brought us to KK Emergency. Rina was crying all e way.
after e xray, it was confirmed tt her bones broke. e 3 middlebones on her 1st 3 toes were moved on impact. they were crooked, pointing towards e left. e doc had to straighten them back. i followed her into e treatment room. she was given general anasthesia which means her whole body went numb. her eyes were open but she cudnt see me, cudnt hear me, cudnt feel me. n she kept moaning "ahhh...ahhh..." i cudnt hold back my tears. it's like her body was there but her soul isnt. if only we didnt go lib, if only i was looking @ her, if only i saved her, if only i grabbed e bookshelf, if only..., if only...
after e procedure, i sat by her side. her foot was already in a cast. she kept reaching out wif her hands. everytime i held them, she let go n stretched further. @ times she would suddenly cry aloud for a few seconds den stop. e nurse said tt mayb she was having a nightmare bcos her heartbeat rose. after abt an hr, she was back to normal. she woke up for a while but fell back to sleep, exhausted from all e crying. e doc told us to come back on Tues.
dis morning, Rina is better. i tink wen e bones were straightened, e pain improved. no continuous crying anymore but still cries once in a while. she totally hates e cast. keeps telling me to take it off. she cant stand, much less walk. her appetite wasnt affected (thank god!) and her body temperature is normal. alhamdulillah...
my dear peeps, pls pray for her speedy recovery. i cant bear to see Rina in pain. i feel so helpless n tt hurts a lot. i havent gone into self-blame yet, but i'm scared i will soon. pray tt i will have e strength to get thru everything. i feel like a punching bag. everytime sumthing happens, it's like a punch. wat if i cant take anymore punches? Allah is sure testing me right now...
Suliana Hot Momma at 4:47 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
plain truth
i feel stupid. i really do. sebodoh-bodohnyer lah aku...
i feel tired. exhausted. worn-out. all energy drained out of me. brain juice has long been used up.
i feel sick. i shiver. i feel breathless. i cant carry heavy stuff. i cant walk too far. my eyes go blur. why??
what i DUN feel is...e need to take my medication. seriously. i do not wanna take it. i dun even know where it is.
bagos, aku suker...ur a jerk ah. fuck it, u both are jerks. eh wait, every single one of u lah. ya, true. i'm gonna go on wif tt belief.
bagos.but hate is not e opposite of love. hate means tt person still means sumthing to u. u still care enuff to have emotions towards him. so ya, indifference is e word for it. not knowing whether tt person still exists n NOT even caring abt it. so ya, i'm unconcerned. so there.
love? bullshit. manipulating feelings is e way to go nowadays. dah trend lah. everybody's doing it. except aku! but ya, i AM e one getting manipulated. so ya, tt answers it all.
patotlah....Suliana Hot Momma at 11:53 PM