Tuesday, October 17, 2006
euphoria. u noe tt feeling u get wen ur extremely happy. esp if u got sumthing u've really wanted, for a looong time. or wen sumthing totally unexpected happens n it gets u dreaming e craziest dream. or wen sumone gives u a compliment tt totally seems sooo bedek but actually ur feeling sooo kembang.
i've been getting a lot of tt lately. euphoria i mean, NOT e compliments. i dunno y, almost everything makes me happy. n i mean H-A-P-P-Y. but unfortunately, e novelty is wearing off. it's like my standard of euphoria has dropped. noe wat i mean? sumone once told me not to use e word 'sorry' so often because den my 'sorry' wont have its value anymore. so ya, my 'euphoria' has lost its meaning.
n dis happy feeling gets me smiling so much tt i freaked out my bro 2day. i sat down in front of kai n all i did was say 'hi' n smile. he'ld say sumthing n i'ld reply wif 'hi' n a smile. bcos tt's all i felt like doing. S-M-I-L-E. tak caya ask rye, e person who gets all my nonsense every day. wenever i cant stop smiling, she'll give me TT look n squeezeee e story out of me. trust me, there's ALWAYS a story. take last thursday for example. as usual, i met rye n kai after dce. n i had dis stupid smiling face for god knows how long. cite punyer cite punyer cite, al-kisah...oh, n on saturday, i kept repeating THOSE words. "thanx...love it!" "thanx...love it!" "thanx...love it!" if i hadnt shown fifi THE sms, he'ld have thought i had gone crazy!
oh ya, sunday was e ultimate ah. i finally paid geylang a visit n bought my baju raya, 2 in fact. i was sooo happpyyy! so i texted e same sms to 4 diff peeps. if not for e stupid crowd n e fact tt punya susah sey nak sms, i tink i would have smsed all my peeps. ya, i was TT happy. k k, i tink i shld stop using e word 'happy'. was tt e tenth time? dunno lah, tak kuasa nak kira.
so ya, back to lost of meaning. i get TT feeling so easily, like in a split sec. n small little things can make me so happy (ah damn, i used it again). n how does it disappear? e exact same way! in a split sec n a small little thing can kill it. n i mean kill. kill as in smile is wiped off my face instantly. tt's not good is it? my body is a wonderland. eh wrong, my body is a rollercoaster lah beb. my highs n lows are secs apart. n it's frustrating lah. seriously.
k k, i tink i'm beginning to sound nonsensical. wat am i doing blogging abt euphoria, lost of meaning, happiness n watnots?? i shld stick to fotos. yeah, so here goes...

my 'cindy crawford' n i

us again - rina is doing ok btw. albeit her ngada2ness lah. crying once in a while, 1 per day usually.

me and dayanah - we were 'separated' for 2 whole weeks before finally meeting in sch last week. aper lagi, tt calls for a big hug! haha.
last but certainly not e least (excluding height of course), me n ryehan - dis is 1 of our FEW decent pics. by decent i mean wifout tt ever so popular nose. hers eh, not mine. she's e who listens to my nonsense (good AND bad), e one who makes me laugh n e one who knocks sense into me (but i dun guarantee it works lah, haha). n it works both ways eh. she's full of crap too u noe. alah, we're both full of crap lah. n crazy. n nonsensical. n lame. over u! oh, n we're each other's atm machines. haha.
Suliana Hot Momma at 6:16 AM