Friday, October 13, 2006
follow-up KK appt
waiting for the nurse to call us

they opened e bandage and her foot was still bleeding badly. it took all of me not to cry. i know i gotta stay strong for Rina. she hugged me tight while they plastered her foot.

she was fine after tt. but i know e cast is uncomfortable. juz look @ her face, she's trying hard to b strong. i'm so proud of my princess :)
e follow-up doc said e same thing as e bone specialist i.e. she fractured 3 bones in her 3 toes. he said her foot needs to be in a plastercast. we will have to go to KK again in 2 weeks time. more specifically 3 days after raya, on e 27th. they'll take off e cast n xray her foot again. hopefully e bones would have healed by den. insya-allah...keep Rina in ur prayers k? thanx babes :)

on a lighter note, here's sumthing i took @ nenek's place.
rina: i wanna b a ballerina!
naziyah: eh, kiter takde space lahhhh...
solehah: i wanna eat ur hand!!
amirul: ahhh...dun eat my hand!!
wat's life wifout kids like dis rite? i love my family. n i love u peeps. n i love my princess :)
Suliana Hot Momma at 7:04 PM