Sunday, January 28, 2007
i'm ranting. dun read.
put aside e argument ah. put aside e fact tt u purposely wanted to spoil my plans. n put aside me showing my blackest face i've ever had in quite a while. plus put aside e fact tt i didnt touch e food at all.
do u have any idea wat u said?? lemme refresh ur memory.
"dulu kita cakap jgn kahwin, nak kahwin jugak. can dah jadi macam gini".
u SAID tt. u DID it noeing tt i could hear frm e backseat. now answer me! who agreed to e marriage? who faced khairil's side n decided on e date?? who got all excited n paid for everything like money grew on trees???
everything i do is WRONG to u. my fone got fucking stolen n u tink i'm e problem. i'm still upset abt tt, n u smacked me wif ur attitudes n words 2day. dun u tink b4 u speak? dun u noe how ur words can affect others??
n even if
memang it's my fault, y MUST u mention it? EVERYTIME SINGLE FREAKING TIME?!
1. i'm late for school. bcos i cant manage on my own. bcos i'm getting a divorce.
2. my house berserak. bcos i cant manage on my own. bcos i'm getting a divorce.
3. i got sick. bcos i never took care of myself. bcos i'm getting a divorce. (i got sick n sumhow it links to my failure in marriage!!!)
4. my fone got stolen. bcos i was careless. n thus it's my fault.
5. YOU spoilt my plans. u said i've never listened to u. bcos i still got married even though u told me not to. (dis is a lie, n u noe it!)
see wat i mean, at every mistake i do, u mention it. u tink it's my choice eh? u tink i main2 wanna let go of sumone i spent 6 yrs wif?? u tink i suka2 nak my 1 n only child grow up wifout a father?? u tink i planned all these - getting married, him cheating on me, us deciding on divorce - so tt i CAN hear ur nags 24/7???
i'm hurt. YOU hurt my feelings. e BOTH of u.
how could u? wen ur e ones who are supposed to b giving me e most strength??
Suliana Hot Momma at 2:22 AM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
rated r(a). who cares abt my language.
my fone got fucking stolen at metro causeway pt.
dis adds yet another
problem to my NEVERENDING list of problems.
i would love to say tt God hates me. but of course He doesnt. so i cant.
i dun wanna talk abt it anymore. if u wanna noe wat happened, go read my police report.
eh BODOH, i pray tt u DIE a thousand deaths. b.a.b.i. betul ah kau. i'm sure ur now enjoying e money u got by selling off my fone. pegi mampos ah c.i.b.a.i.!!
n guess wat?
e 1st thing my mum said was "macam maner bole hilang??? kakak nie, problem ar..."
1st thing 1 of my frens said was "how did u get so careless?"
ah bagos, my fault. ya i noe. i PURPOSELY wanna bring problems into my life bcos i SUKA sangat.
gerek kan kan kan?
excuse while i cry to sleep.
eh wait i dun sleep remember? tt leaves me wif crying.
GREAT.Suliana Hot Momma at 1:59 AM
Friday, January 19, 2007
2day my classes ended early, 12.30pm to b exact. my initial plan was to
balik. i wanted to spend e afternoon lazying arnd
sorang2 kat rumah. after dcm, i suddenly tot of playing in 1 of e practice rms for a while. e idea of having e whole studio to myself sounded so appealing. so i did it....

1st pic - damn, i'm so fat! juz look at how big i am. sigh...sad man.
so anywayz, i tried to play as many pieces as i can. i'm not as good as memorising as i used to be. if i have to play off-hand, i tink i only can do at most 5 songs. took vids of my playing den proceeded to e library to borrow textbks. i wanted to borrow a book for Rina too so i browsed thru e children's books. den i saw this....

'the alphabet tree'. i took out e 'loan card' slotted in e back cover. e 1st date stamped is '4 nov 1983'. omg, i was 1 week old! dis book has been arnd for as long as i have. isnt tt amazing?? ok ok, mayb not TT amazing. but wat r e chances rite? i was randomly selecting n found dis one. i tink it's fate. i believe coincidences r always fated.
i tink i havent mentioned dis in a while - i love my princess, my girl, my baby, my Rina. she really is my everything. life would b meaningless wifout her. dis may sound silly but sumtimes i feel tt she supports me, not e other way arnd. emotionally of course. i am so lucky, i really am. so Rina, if ur gonna b reading dis sumday, thank u sayang. ur e most important person in my life n i love u more n more wif each passing day.
Suliana Hot Momma at 9:49 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
as promised...

ok peeps, e
PICS have been uploaded. next up, e vids. all 10 of dem, i hope. haha.
anywayz, Muse is playing at KL next month on e 25th. anyone up for another Muse experience? ;)
Suliana Hot Momma at 9:05 AM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
last year, i was here...
BACKSTREET BOYS @ indoor stadium
juz now, i was here...
MUSE @ fort canning park
muse baby, MUSE!! i lurved 'muse-ing' wif rye, nunun, rye's bro's ex-gf n a little bit of rizal. thanx babe, for coming over to say hi :) :) :) n thanx girls, for making my 1st-time muse experience one tt i'll remember. i danced n sang along as much as i can (wen i noe e lyrics lah, hehe) n of course e best part was e fact tt they r rite in front of me!
my voice is sore.
my feet r aching.
my ears r ringing.
my pictures r uploading.
but i dun care, i'm so damn happy! :D
p.s. - pics n vids uploaded into Multiply soon aite
Suliana Hot Momma at 1:08 AM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
home alone
Rina's with her father for e weekend n i stayed home. on a Saturday nite. i rejected 3 separate offers frm frens (yes frens k) n spent my nite watching tv n hogging on e fone wif F. Thanx eh Uncle Han, for filling my nite wif lame jokes. but i gotcha wif tt brain teaser, yay!

*check out e time i took dis pic. was still on e fone, hence e earpiece.
p.s.- i pissed 2 diff guys (read: boys) 2nite. sheesh! guys can b so petty sey. worse than us girls. pls lah R n S, u wanna
merajuk n
tak geng dgn i? ur loss, not mine.
Suliana Hot Momma at 7:17 AM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
testing MY panorama mode
1st time lah dok, very e jakun i noe :P
Suliana Hot Momma at 12:09 AM
Monday, January 01, 2007
for e babes in my life
This is a toast to us ladies for 2007. For the men who have us, losers who had us and the lucky ones who will still meet us.
For all e beautiful ladies who have walked into my life one way or another, have a wonderful year ahead babes.
I know I'm beginning to say this too often. but I love you lalings! muacks!! ;)
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:46 PM