Monday, September 18, 2006
i am 3 yrs old!
dis entry shld have been written earlier. but nevertheless, better late than never rite? so here goes...
on wednesday, my princess turned 3. nothing can describe how i feel seeing my daughter grow up so fast. it still amazes me till dis day tt i gave life to dis little child. i can vividly remember e time i found out tt i was carrying a girl.
nurse: so u want to know e gender or not?
me: yes pls...
nurse(moving e 'pointer' arnd my stomach): it's a girl
tt was e 1st time my eyes teared 4 my baby. e mths after tt were heavenly, albeit e morning(read: all day) sickness. my appetite grew, n so did me. my face glowed n my pimples disappeared. my energy level wasnt compromised n i continued my 'soccer' routine - following him to his matches to give support n late nite soccer matches at e monkeys cafe. it felt so good to be pregnant. i guess i gotta thank my (good)hormones 4 tt. oh, n i went for e asia league cup at KL. i ran arnd e hotel lobby getting autographs n taking pics wif e Chelsea team. rina was already 'rubbing shoulders' wif (gorgeous)soccer stars even b4 she was born. heh.
Khairina Adrienne was brought into dis world on e 13th of Sept 2003 at 9.44am. e name was a joint effort by me n him (khairil + suliana = khairina). e delivery was a breeze(lucky me!) but e recovery wasnt. i was in pain countless times, physically n emotionally. i broke down a few days after being crowned a new mother bcos i felt so useless. she cried all e time n i dunno wat to do to appease her. i slept in e day n stayed up ALL nite. but thankfully, wif e support of Ibu n Nenek, i pulled thru. i started to adore my baby and we bonded as mother n child.
e next time i cried 4 rina was during her majlis cukur rambut. e moment e men started singing/chanting, it juz happened. e feeling was instantaneous n lasted for only awhile. at tt time, i realised tt i AM a mother n she is MY responsibility. i made a vow n prayed tt rina shldnt n wont have to suffer, no matter wat happens. i have no idea y i did tt then, but now i understand. God 'moved' me(gerakkan hati) n made me pray. rina has never been a sad child. cranky yes, stubborn also yes, but never sad.
needless to say, there have been many more tears since then. n i know there will be many many more to come. but for every tear, there will be laughter. i've cried, laughed, cried again, laughed summore, cried a bit, laughed a bit den laughed a lot. i'm not a great mother(neither am i a good one for tt matter) but i'll be one soon. i'm working towards tt. insya-allah...
You are my life, my soul, my tears, my laughter, my angel, my most precious treasure, n most importantly, you are my daughter...
Mama loves you sayang...

thank u rye n imran for coming. i appreciate it. i'm sure rina does too.
aku terhutang budi kat korang...
thanx to imran especially for rina's edited pic. erm...i forgot wat it's called. but it's beautiful. so thank u.
thank u to him for making e effort to come. it's good to know tt ur love for rina has not been affected. u made her happy. n tt makes me happy.

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:06 AM