Saturday, September 30, 2006
i miss enot!!
Suliana Hot Momma at 7:59 PM
Friday, September 29, 2006
berbuka puaser...di rumah sayer...
the iftar went well! in fact, it went gggrrreeeaaattt!!! hehe...
carrying heavy groceries frm shopnsave, panicking over e roti jala, kirai-ing until my hip hurts, keep having to sit down, stand up den sit down again, etc were definitely worth it.
cam nak buat lagi ah! hehe....
e rest of the photos are
HEREmy sincerest, heartfelt THANX to all e ppl who made it, esp Jaz. thanx bro,
dah satu tahun kiter tak jumpa sey...
thank you...
thank you yg sebanyak-banyaknyer to
Ibu for helping me cook. if it werent for you, i tink nuthing would have been done. believe it or not, i hugged Ibu n Ayah wen they were going back. dun ask me y, it was @ e spur of e moment.
so enjoy e pics. credits to Fizah's digicam :)
Suliana Hot Momma at 6:02 PM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
happy bday to me!
new shoes! thanx fizah :)
swensens - handsome waiter/manager!
yellow balloon - handsome guy kasi!!
birthday ice-cream
birthday song - sweet...
2 candles = 2 wishes. heh.
laughter again - bestie? buddy? hahahaha...
woodlands al-ameen
happy birthday fizah!
silly pics - fizah 'strangling im', us acting cute, rye trying to become a rabbit. lol!
chilling wif teh tarik/teh ais/milo dinosaur/mineral water
home sweet home - thanx bro :)
Suliana Hot Momma at 10:37 AM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
i guess i owe it to myself to write an entry today
it is my birthday after all
so ya, happy birthday to me
i'm 23 now
great, juz great
things have not been settled yet. i made a decision yest. but apparently his intentions have changed. n i'm confused. damn pissed n damn scared. but mostly confused. cos hearts are not meant to be broken....
Suliana Hot Momma at 2:27 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
2moro is less than 10 hrs away
either way, my heart will break
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:27 PM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
jeng jeng jeng...
from jakun to estatic to VA-VA-VOOM!
nice tak? =)
Suliana Hot Momma at 5:58 AM

clockwise frm top left:
1. rina & ain. in rye's words, "dah best fren eh...."
2. ain. she is sooo cute & friendly! macam mak nenek. hehe...
3. to rina. love mak angkats....
4. showing off my flower card - alamak, my eyes spoiler man. so kuyu...
5. me wif them - do i look like a mother of 2?
6. rina's baking set
7. one last hug before going parted ways. cute kan? sigh...i miss ain!
8. iffah, rina & dayanah. eh eh, yg kasi present pun kesukaan mcm yg dpt present. haha.
centre picture:
thanx babes. i love love love e flower card!
hard, i'm gonna find a printer very very soon n print tt pic u sent me. den finally my card will be complete :)
Suliana Hot Momma at 4:15 AM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
i love my babes
i love my NIE babes
i love my sweet NIE babes
i love my sweet NIE babes/Rina's godmothers
i love my sweet NIE babes/Rina's godmothers because they surprised me last nite
i love my sweet NIE babes/Rina's godmothers because they surprised me with a card last nite
i love my sweet NIE babes/Rina's godmothers because they surprised me with a card and a dress last nite
i love my sweet lovely NIE babes/Rina's godmothers because they surprised me with a card and a dress last nite and i know they love me too :)
thank u ladies. n Rina thanks u also for e baking set and her 2nd Dora figurine.
Iffah, D, Rye, Fana, Hard, Naf - i tink if 1 drop of water is a thank you, all e oceans in e world wont even come close to how much i appreciate everything u've done for me n for Rina. dis is for u...
a bag of laughter
a sack of jokes
we always laugh
till we almost choke
a ray of sunshine
a hint of hope
u light up my life
n made it easier for me to cope
wat will i be
wifout my darlings
life in NIE
will be much more pressuring
u may not realise
tt u are my angels
my life changed
wen i meet u girls
- Suliana
p.s.- i'm not 23, YET. :p
p.p.s.- e dress fits nicely! pics uploaded soon k?
Suliana Hot Momma at 5:25 AM
Monday, September 18, 2006
i am 3 yrs old!
dis entry shld have been written earlier. but nevertheless, better late than never rite? so here goes...
on wednesday, my princess turned 3. nothing can describe how i feel seeing my daughter grow up so fast. it still amazes me till dis day tt i gave life to dis little child. i can vividly remember e time i found out tt i was carrying a girl.
nurse: so u want to know e gender or not?
me: yes pls...
nurse(moving e 'pointer' arnd my stomach): it's a girl
tt was e 1st time my eyes teared 4 my baby. e mths after tt were heavenly, albeit e morning(read: all day) sickness. my appetite grew, n so did me. my face glowed n my pimples disappeared. my energy level wasnt compromised n i continued my 'soccer' routine - following him to his matches to give support n late nite soccer matches at e monkeys cafe. it felt so good to be pregnant. i guess i gotta thank my (good)hormones 4 tt. oh, n i went for e asia league cup at KL. i ran arnd e hotel lobby getting autographs n taking pics wif e Chelsea team. rina was already 'rubbing shoulders' wif (gorgeous)soccer stars even b4 she was born. heh.
Khairina Adrienne was brought into dis world on e 13th of Sept 2003 at 9.44am. e name was a joint effort by me n him (khairil + suliana = khairina). e delivery was a breeze(lucky me!) but e recovery wasnt. i was in pain countless times, physically n emotionally. i broke down a few days after being crowned a new mother bcos i felt so useless. she cried all e time n i dunno wat to do to appease her. i slept in e day n stayed up ALL nite. but thankfully, wif e support of Ibu n Nenek, i pulled thru. i started to adore my baby and we bonded as mother n child.
e next time i cried 4 rina was during her majlis cukur rambut. e moment e men started singing/chanting, it juz happened. e feeling was instantaneous n lasted for only awhile. at tt time, i realised tt i AM a mother n she is MY responsibility. i made a vow n prayed tt rina shldnt n wont have to suffer, no matter wat happens. i have no idea y i did tt then, but now i understand. God 'moved' me(gerakkan hati) n made me pray. rina has never been a sad child. cranky yes, stubborn also yes, but never sad.
needless to say, there have been many more tears since then. n i know there will be many many more to come. but for every tear, there will be laughter. i've cried, laughed, cried again, laughed summore, cried a bit, laughed a bit den laughed a lot. i'm not a great mother(neither am i a good one for tt matter) but i'll be one soon. i'm working towards tt. insya-allah...
You are my life, my soul, my tears, my laughter, my angel, my most precious treasure, n most importantly, you are my daughter...
Mama loves you sayang...

thank u rye n imran for coming. i appreciate it. i'm sure rina does too.
aku terhutang budi kat korang...
thanx to imran especially for rina's edited pic. erm...i forgot wat it's called. but it's beautiful. so thank u.
thank u to him for making e effort to come. it's good to know tt ur love for rina has not been affected. u made her happy. n tt makes me happy.

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:06 AM
e pics, as promised
Suliana Hot Momma at 1:55 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
the fab four unites!
i've juz reached hm. n i'm blogging now juz in case i forget any exciting details later.
e sept babies planned to have a birthday dinner followed by karaoke-ing today.
sept babies = e fab four - kai, faizal, fizah n me (i was gonna bring rina along). plan was changed a bit at e very last min but all went well. we did manage to sit down n talk at e end of it all. rina got a kiss from faizal, fizah n i got a hug from kai. before i start recounting wat happened during our 'date', i juz wanna mention tt i love my bros n sis a lot. we dun spend as much time as we did but our frenship continues growing. hingga ke akhir hayat, insya-allah...
fizah, kai n me was supposed to meet 1st cos faizal could only make it after 6.30pm. last min
tukar plan cos kai had to attend a kenduri n couldnt escape from it. he wanted to meet fizah n me before going off BUT it rained heavily. heavily as in kai couldnt ride out. i didnt go out either, for fear of rina being caught in e rain. nasib baik fizah had sumone accompanying her at town. she had reached town much much earlier, even before it started raining. cut e story short, by e time we (rina n me) made our way to plaza sing, faizal was already on e way. so we took e train together.
we ate dinner at burger king. a fast one cos fizah booked e karaoke rm at 7pm. it was 7.30pm n we were still eating! i bought n took-away a kids meal juz in case rina would be hungry. we took e train again n reached e place by 8pm. here's wen e fun started. it's been sooo long since i last karaoke-d. it felt great to sing my lungs out n enjoying it wif my frens at e same time. i cant remember all e songs we sang but sum 'highlights' were...
1. i sang 'creep' by radiohead. dis is dedicated to lukas rossi of course. i love u lukas! *faint*
2. fizah sang 'bunga bunga cinta'. all i can say is, wahhhhhhhh........*mouth wide open*
3. rina (plus us as back-up) sang pop yeh yeh.
sukernyer dier.....4. i sang 'thank u for loving me' by bon jovi. had meaning behind it. reflected a lot on my past. sigh...
5. we sang 'mamma mia' n 'dancing queen'. was silly but fun. faizal's idea.
6. faizal sang 'i started a joke'. special song to him. he sang standing up. great performance bro *pats faizal's back*
7. we sang 'ada apa dgnmu' n 'mungkin nanti' together. tt was nice. *smiles*
tt wasnt all. there were many more songs. many more memories. memories i'll keep wif me forever. i cant wait for our next karaoke session!
so anywayz, kai joined us after tt. we went to macs to have a drink and catch up. a lot of 'interesting' topics/stories came up. sigh...i guess sum ppl r not wat they seem to be. can b shocking at times but like kai said 'buat aper jaga tepi kain orng? we shld worry abt ourselves". so true, dun u tink?
faizal - thank u for helping me wif rina's bag n watnots. n for carrying rina all e way frm e mrt station to plaza sing. n den frm mrt to apollo centre. it's kinda shocking tt she let u carry her. n ur voice wen talking to rina is sumthing i have never heard before. i didnt noe u had tt paternal instinct. n it's heart-warming to see it in u :)
fizah - thank u for planning e karaoke session. as i've said, it was a stress reliver. i truly had a lot of fun n u made tt happen. i love u sis. n ur voice is amazingly amazing. u shld try out for
anugerah again. i'm always available if u need support.
kai - thank u making e effort to come even though u knew we had already finished singing. u rode frm amk to chinatown juz for e sole purpose of spending time wif us. i appreciate it n i'm sure faizal n fizah do too. thanx for e group hug. i love u bro. looking forward to our weekly lunches...
p.s.- pics will b uploaded as soon as fizah sends them
Suliana Hot Momma at 12:13 AM
Friday, September 15, 2006
"Lukas, you're our boy"i am estatic! nuthing can describe how happy i am. it's like wen Italy won e world cup but much much MUCH better. all those nites wifout spore idol were worth it. late nites wenever i missed e 8pm show, patiently waiting for songs to be downloaded, copying n pasting pictures frm e internet, etc.
ppl, MY Lukas Rossi won. e one i've been crazy n rambling abt in sch. e one whose face is all over my laptop. yeah, TT one. he's fronting Supernova.u dunno me Lukas but i'm soooo proud of u. u kept it real e whole time. staying rooted to ur image, to urself. not once have u compromised who u r. u took supernova's criticism and used it to improve urself. remember wen Jason kept bugging u abt ur voice? yeah well, he's not gonna be doing tt anymore. i knew frm e start tt ur different frm e rest. u look smug, act proud but really is so humble inside. i sooo LOVE u. ur hot!
i've been listening to Lukas Rossi's performances since yest.
his song list...
week 1: Rebel Yell - Billy Idol
week 2: Don't Panic - Coldplay
week 3: Let's Spend The Night Together - The Rolling Stones
week 4: Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve
week 5: Celebrity Skin - Hole
week 6: Creep - Radiohead
week 7: Hero - Nickelback
week 8: All These Things That I've Done - The Killers
week 9: Lithium - Nirvana
week 10: Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi, Headspin - Lukas Rossi (Original)
week 11: Fix You - Coldplay, Headspin - Lukas Rossi (stripped down version)
if u wanna listen to any of them, buzz me on msn. i'll gladly pass them to u.
i have to say tt e finale was SMASHING. i was jumping arnd almost all e time
sey. Magni, Toby, Dilana n Lukas were amazing. they sang songs they've already done but sumhow they sound even better! esp wen Toby did 'White Wedding'. wah....he is sooo hot! Lukas's better but he is a CLOSE 2nd.
sexy sak dier ni....den my Lukas did 'Bittersweet Symphony'.
alamak...i almost fainted sey...felt like i was in cloud 9. haha. oh btw, Lukas got e highest no. of votes. e 7 votes i sent in sch were worth every single cent! n he wore pink lipgloss last nite. tt's so sexy!
geramnyer akuuu...they really did become a family. competition aside, they love each other to bits. yeah, even Lukas n Dilana. Magni played for Toby n Lukas. all 3 boys sang wif Dilana. e show ran recaps frm e very 1st episode. i miss Josh, Zayra, Ryan n Storm. there were gd memories, bad memories, naked memories. haha. there was once wen Toby n Dilana wanted e same song. she dared him. if Toby really really wanted e song, he has to strip down to nuthing n run arnd e pool. he did it of course, in front of everybody. n got e chance to perform wif Gilby. a few weeks later, Dilana desperately wanted 'Every Breath You Take'. Toby couldnt care less abt tt song BUT purposely fought for it. time for revenge! n yes, she did it too. woohooo!!
so yeah, it has come to an end. Tommy Lee on drums, Jason Newsted doing bass, Gilby Clarke rocking his guitar AND Lukas Rossi smashing his vocals. Rock on baby!!
p.s.-wonder which rock grp will it be next season...hmm...
Suliana Hot Momma at 9:06 AM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
si-nga-pore! jia-you!
spore vs china.
ppl. a LOT of ppl.
looong queue. stupid ticketing system.
so tired already. got seats.
after 10min, halftime whistle blown.
2nd half exciting. but no goals.
final whistle. spore 0 china 0.
walked to
kedai kopi 'imam' near kallang mrt.
MORE tired. n thirsty. drank 2 glasses of
teh ais.
ate prata cheese mushrm. stomach feeling funny. stopped eating.
threw up e
teh ais n prata 15 mins later.
tepi longkang.
wash up. call ayah.
taxi ride. h2o. home.
p.s.- i'm exhausted. plus dehydrated. lazy to type in full sentences. get e rough idea rite?
Suliana Hot Momma at 3:41 AM