Sunday, June 18, 2006
Rina.....where are u.....
yest, i let my parents brg Rina hm. she gladly went. even said, "Bye Mama..." so ok lah, i thought y not kan? i get sum time by myself. plus i wanna train her to be able to spend nites wifout me.
big mistake. i miss my daughter lah! confiden jer nak train her. i'm e one having separation anxiety! haha. but i noe lah, i need my freedom. so apparently she wasnt a problem. only asked for me @ nite but went back to sleep. i guess it's a step forward. mayb 1 fine day, i can go for trips/holidays wifout her. yeah yeah, i got big dreams, i noe.
i was lying down juz now, face down. felt pain. i guess 'they' miss Rina too. haha. swollen sey. sungguh sakit. tapi firm. i loike. *winkz*
k k, i'll stop talking. Raihan, i can already ur 'sore eyes'. haha.

Rina....where are u....
p.s. - actually i noe lah where she is. lame. i noe.
Suliana Hot Momma at 1:21 PM