Thursday, June 22, 2006
i love my Nenek!
on Mon, Auntie Dah n family brought Nenek for a surprise visit to rumah Ibu. "Ibu, surprise kan?" k nvm. i woke up to 3 ker 4 missed calls frm rumah yewtee. heard Solehah's voice over e fone den Ibu said, "Auntie Dah bawak Nenek datang sini." aper lagi, i got ready Rina n myself in e fastest time possible!(tu pun lambat jugak ah) and went over.
semua ader ah babe, except Amsyar n Amran. Amran was having a camp @ pulau ubin. wahhh...he so besar already sey. still remember wen he was a cute little boy. now turning 15 in july. he told me last week he was gonna get promoted frm corporal to sergeant during e camp. macho already! nvm, i still have my Amirul. he'll turn 11 2 days before i hit 23. p5 but yet still wan me to suap. eh eh budak ni! tapi actually aku suker :p
it was sooo nice to spend time wif my parents, Fifi (adik aku lah...), Nenek (whom i love wif ALL of my heart) n Auntie Dah's family. needlesstosay, Rina had fun playing wif her little aunts. i have to say tt she's learning a lot frm them wifout realising. she can speak more words now and their role-playing helps too. Solehah will b e 'teacher'. Naziyah n Rina are e 'students'. cute lah!

Amirul n me. dis boy eh is too smart for his own good. bijak sungguh!

Solehah, Rina n Naziyah - my fav foto of them =)
p.s. - i call Auntie Dah's husband Uncle Cak. calling 'auntie' n 'uncle' was e 'in' thing back den. i guess e names juz stayed. btw, their real names are Faridah n Ishak.
p.p.s. - Auntie Dah's children call my mum Ibu.
Suliana Hot Momma at 4:26 AM