Thursday, March 16, 2006
XBOX 360 Launch Party!

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herewe went e above event last nite. pre-ordered e xbox 360 so we got invites. well, party was good. not great though. only had mineral water/coke/heineken so it's quite obviously wat we drank. e entertainment was great though. denise keller 4rm mtv hosted e event. n xbox 360 games were all over. hubby went straight 4 fifa 2006. played n played n played. i was so damn bored so kept taking fotos. finally managed 2 collect e xbox 360 we ordered @ 10pm. yupz, they made us wait THAT long.
while we were having fun @ the party(or @ least hubby was), my parents brought rina 2 disney on ice. she LOVED it. ibu said she kept saying "bye mickey mouse, bye mickey mouse" n blowing kisses until outside e indoor stadium. hehe...cute lah anak aku.
Suliana Hot Momma at 9:36 PM