Thursday, March 30, 2006
Rina goes to e library n watches Ice Age 2!

Mama, read to me this book!
I'm putting back e book in its place, Mama
needless to say, she had fun @ e lib. picking a bk, flipping thru it n putting it back. she kept repeating dis 4 i tink 10 times. i felt so happy juz 2 observe her. sigh...anak aku dah besar dah. tak lama lagi dah pri sch den sec sch den ader bf den nak kahwin. ok ok, i'm going too far.
wanted 2 share a conversation tt used 2 happen back in e dating days. entah kenapa, yest bole teringat. haha.
me: sayang, kita turun kat maner?
him: turun kat bus-stop ler...
me (feeling a bit irritated): ye lar. bus-stop maner??
him (dgn selambanyer): bus-stop tepi jln ler...
last nite went to brg Rina watch ice age 2. she's been in a movie theatre b4, 2 times b4 i tink. but still i was a bit worried ah. scared she'll buat hal inside or sumthing. as it turns out, she absolutely loved it! 4 e 1st time, she stayed awake 4 e whole movie! i'm glad she had fun. i'm more glad tt WE had fun as a family. awww....
woah, dis entry is damn long. i wrote tt much?? k k, enuff enuff. gotta get ready 4 sch now. n hopefully a badminton session as well. =)
Suliana Hot Momma at 8:54 AM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
i'm in love wif dis song
when you love someone
you'll do anything
you'll do all the crazy things
that you can't explain
you'll shoot the moon
put out the sun
when you love someone
you'll deny the truth
believe a lie
there'll be times that you'll believe
that you can really fly
but you're lonely nights
have just begun
when you love someone
when you love someone
you'll feel it deep inside
and nothin else
can ever change your mind
when you want someone
when you need someone
when you love... someone...
when you love someone
you'll sacrifice
you'd give it everything you got
and you won't think twice
you'd risk it all
no matter what may come
when you love someone
you'll shoot the moon
put out the sun
when you love someone
Bryan Adams
Suliana Hot Momma at 10:08 PM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
a mum, a wife, a house owner, a student
i'm Rina's mother. i have 2 make sure she gets 2 sch every day. have 2 make sure she gets hm every day. have 2 make sure she eats all her meals. have 2 make sure her diaper is changed wenever it's soiled. have 2 make sure i read her fav bks regularly. have 2 make sure she's learning n developing. n lain2 yg sewaktu dgnnyer...
i'm Khairil Zam's wife. i have 2 jaga hati dier. have 2 cook 4 him. have 2 make him happy. have 2 be loving n caring 2wards him. have 2 dress up 4 him. have 2 have sex wif him(not complaining though!). have 2 make sure he doesnt stray. n lain2 yg sewaktu dgnnyer...
i have my own house. i do e laundry, wash e dishes, sweep e floors, clean e bathrms, buy e groceries, mop e floors n lain2 yg sewaktu dgnnyer...
i'm a student. i need 2 go to sch, print out notes, do my tutorials, revise 4 tests/exams, complete my assignments, go 4 project meetings n lain2 yg sewaktu dgnnyer...
so wen do i find time juz 2 b myself?? not a mum, not a wife, not a house owner, not a student
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:58 AM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
XBOX 360 Launch Party!

more photos
herewe went e above event last nite. pre-ordered e xbox 360 so we got invites. well, party was good. not great though. only had mineral water/coke/heineken so it's quite obviously wat we drank. e entertainment was great though. denise keller 4rm mtv hosted e event. n xbox 360 games were all over. hubby went straight 4 fifa 2006. played n played n played. i was so damn bored so kept taking fotos. finally managed 2 collect e xbox 360 we ordered @ 10pm. yupz, they made us wait THAT long.
while we were having fun @ the party(or @ least hubby was), my parents brought rina 2 disney on ice. she LOVED it. ibu said she kept saying "bye mickey mouse, bye mickey mouse" n blowing kisses until outside e indoor stadium. hehe...cute lah anak aku.
Suliana Hot Momma at 9:36 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
walking down memory lane...
was looking thru my old fotos @ my (now-defunct)geocities webby. managed 2 find e fotos i took wif my very 1st classes wen i was relief-teaching as a malay teacher. my p1s shld b in p5 now. my p4s shld already b sec2 teenagers. n my p5s shld b big sec3 boys & girls. i wonder if they still remember me. wonder how they look now. wonder wat kind of boys & girls they have become. did i make an impact in their lives?
i know i made e correct move wen i got into dis career. i know i want 2 werk wif kids. i know i wanna b a good role model 4 e children of our future. so let dis b my motivation 2 complete my assignments.
u can do dis Suliana - tink of all e children u gonna b able 2 teach if u pull thru disSuliana Hot Momma at 11:04 PM
Monday, March 13, 2006
after soccer, we went 2 eat @ al-ameen woodlands. as u can see, it quickly became a ambik-byk2-gambar-esp-gambar-rina session. our resident fotographer aka ryehan even taught rina a few poses i.e. angry, bored, sleepy, cute n sweet. sungguh
kiut anak aku kan kan kan?
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:48 PM
another soccer outing, dis time @ cck stadium.
managed 2 drag dayanah & bf along too. err...if u look closely, their (half)faces r featured in e collage. *squints eyes*
ayah & ibu were there too. ibu even made sandwiches sey. cam picnic pulak.
final score: saffc 2 home united 1 - i predicted total goals 3, terror tak i? chey...
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:26 PM
thanx again 2
Ryehan for editing my html. yupz, she put tt pic of Rina there. n yupz, tt IS her fav pic of Rina. n yupz, she was e one who told Rina 2 pose like tt.
Suliana Hot Momma at 7:12 PM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
hehe...ok, i did sumthing wrong last nite. noti noti me, cud have got myself n hubby hurt.
i went...
ok ok, not tt notti lah. n not tt dangerous lah. but still wrong hokay.
critenyer begini...hubby came hm wif a fren's honda civic. by then rina was already asleep. he asked me 2 go down wif him 2 take sumthing in e boot.
i was like, "abih rina??" n he calmly said, "alah, jap jer..." n so i went.
so we reached e car downstairs n he was like, "jom, driving jap." again, i was like, "abih rina???!" again, he calmly said, "alah, jap jer. arnd e carpark jer." n so we went.
we went arnd e blks n as we were almost @ our blk again, e tot suddenly came 2 my mind.
i went, "i nak drive!" n so i did.
managed 2 safely reach our blk n he suggested another round. hmm...rina came 2 mind BUT my "gian" 2 drive took over. n so i kept driving. a few almost-panic moments esp went a motorbike was behind e car (hubby had 2 mention tt 2 me bcos i completely 4got abt looking @ e mirrors!) but all in all, it went ok. yeah!
p.s. - rina was still sleeping soundly wen we went up after e drive.
p.s.s. - i wanna continue taking driving lessons!! bila sey nak start lagi...
Suliana Hot Momma at 3:16 PM
Ryehan for formatting my blog. i love it!
Suliana Hot Momma at 1:53 AM
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Mon = black NIE t-shirt
Tues = black Polwatta t-shirt
Wed = black Chelsea jersey
Thurs = black striped shirt
Fri = black v-neck t-shirt
no, i'm not mourning. dis is juz a case of limited wardrobe selection.
i need 2 go shopping!!
Suliana Hot Momma at 1:15 AM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

angry? happy? surprised? sad? horny? attitude problem? silly?
The 16 faces of Suliana...
Suliana Hot Momma at 7:21 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006

tt Sun we had kenduri arwah @ Auntie Dah's house. i slept over @ Nenek's house during tt weekend. sigh...i wish i could spend more time with her...
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:50 AM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
ok ok, i noe. asik gambar jer kan? dis blog is becoming a foto blog, hehe...
e reasons y i've been posting pics is i've been very bz...and of course i'm lazy too. hehe. school is sooo stressful. starting 2 slowly get into panic mode. been sick lately. still going 2 sch but not 100% healthy. and i hate tt. i absolutely hate not being well. everything tires me nowadays. tt sucks. i need 2 get my fitness level up. but haiz...where got time??
i have 2 say tt i'm grateful 2 have frens. they r my life, besides Rina of course. my frens keep me sane.
Rye, Naf, Fana, e music girls, Rosi, e DSM girls, e DSE girls...u girls always make my day. how can i ever go 2 sch wifout laughing wif u girls, wifout cracking lame jokes, wifout making fun of each other, wifout panicking 2gether???
changing e subject, we r still missing u Atuk. Shidah juz msged me tt day bcos she was tinking abt u. we promised each other we will b supportive n comforting if 1 of us starts 2 crumble. Nenek is also missing u badly. She always looks happy wenever i come/sleep over but....
"Nana datang baru Nenek gembira. Smlm/hari tu asik sedih jer. Kalau Bibik keje, Nenek jer sorang kat rumah...."
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:31 PM
The Zam Family 2006Suliana Hot Momma at 11:27 PM