Sunday, October 09, 2005
Dedicated to my dear bro, Khairil Azar...
Kai is like a brother i never had. if i were to have an older brother, i would wan someone like him. although he does bully me @ times (dun deny it!), i noe he cares 4 me. n i care 4 him. i'm happy if he's happy. n my mind wont b @ ease if he's upset. 
to my bro, take it easy k? 2 b blunt, i would have said "i told u so!" but i noe u din wan things 2 end this way. u told me ur a strong person so make sure u live up 2 ur words. sumtimes it's better 2 let it out @ 1 go rather than push it aside n avoiding it. u noe i'm juz a call away wenever u need help.
dah lah tu, jgn marah2 lagi k? jom, go main pool lagi nak? :-)
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:57 AM
at October 14, 2005 10:04 AM
K9 said...
Wow.. who's the guy in the pictures.. damn he looked good.. if i was a girl, i would want him to be my bf/hubby/scandal and mcm2 lagi. hahaha..
thanks a lot su.. i appreciate the wonderful dedication.. your the best sis anyone can ever have..