Monday, October 17, 2005
helo helo...missed me? hehe. sori lah, no time 2 update. sooo e very bz wif sch nowadays. but i shall try 2 update at least once a week k? ok set! *winkz* (giler sak aku, cakap sendiri. lol!) anywayz, i truly enjoyed my Sat. here's why...
1st met Kai & Jaz on e train. i was late (duh, wats new? haha) but luckily Kai never say anything. phew! we dropped @ Orchard n made our way 2 Far East. found out tt e place din accept reservations so went jln2 @ Taka. Fizah wanted 2 meet @ Far East so walked all e way back. wat sia, so toopid rite? luckily i tak puasa. wen Faizal arrived, we decided 2 go take our seats. very e early but since 1st come 1st serve, better b safe than
sorry. we ordered our food n broke fast, e whole time having a great time chatting n laughing. e boys went 2 solat @ royal scotts n finally we made our way 2 Geylang. Fizah & Isa rode there while me, Kai, Jaz n Fizal took cab. took a few fotos in e cab. Faizal not in pic cos he sat in front. made fun of Faizal e whole way there. haha. kesian virgin dolt kita... selalunyer he make fun of ppl, now habis habisan dier kena. hahaha... padan muka kau Faizal! ok anywayz, we arrived n
walked 2 Joo Chiat 2 watch e show. Cico is sooo good! wth was he kicked out? eh, u voters out there, korang pekak eh?? nampak sah Cico better than Khairul Anwar sey. after tt walked arnd a bit. actually squeezed wud b a better word sey. so e very crowded! anywayz, we managed 2 take time 4 some pics. took these on e bridge. after tt we went our separate ways. Fizah & Isa went off towards e bike. Kai, Jaz, Faizal n me took train 2 town. we decided 2 watch Duece Bigalow @ Suntec. damn funny sia e movie. i was distracted a bit cos hubby called den my mum called. got quite sleepy in e middle of e movie but all in all, i shall rate it a 3 out of 5.
after e movie, Faizal took cab n went home 1st. Jaz, Kai n me started 2 walk towards clarke quay. we planned 2 take NR2 4rm there. so we walked, talked, walked summore, talked summore. stopped @ e bridge overlooking Esplanade. e guys talked while i chatted wif Rendra on e fone a while. took time 2 take summore pics. we den continued walking towards clarke quay. it was a long walk but an even looonger wait 4 e bus. we waited so long @
e bus-stop, i tot it was never gonna come! but it did ah. i dropped wif Kai @ marsiling n took a cab back. all in all, i rated e nite 9 out of 10. wud have given it a 10 but...sumthing's missing *winks*Suliana Hot Momma at 2:34 AM
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Dedicated to my dear bro, Khairil Azar...
Kai is like a brother i never had. if i were to have an older brother, i would wan someone like him. although he does bully me @ times (dun deny it!), i noe he cares 4 me. n i care 4 him. i'm happy if he's happy. n my mind wont b @ ease if he's upset. 
to my bro, take it easy k? 2 b blunt, i would have said "i told u so!" but i noe u din wan things 2 end this way. u told me ur a strong person so make sure u live up 2 ur words. sumtimes it's better 2 let it out @ 1 go rather than push it aside n avoiding it. u noe i'm juz a call away wenever u need help.
dah lah tu, jgn marah2 lagi k? jom, go main pool lagi nak? :-)
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:57 AM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
hi hi again. takde keje ah so gonna put up more pics.

dis girl here is my best fren. Norain bte Ahmad. frens for 9 yrs n still going strong. u noe i luv ya girl. may our frenship lasts 4ever.
presenting, my closest frens in sch. these 2 r e girls i'm always wif. 4rm left: Naf, me & Fana. yupz, e same ppl i was thanking in my previous entry. luv ya gals!

n last but not e least, e source of my happiness, joy, laughter, tears, irritation, frustration, anger...u get e point lah ah.
Khairina Adrienne bte Khairil Zam
Suliana Hot Momma at 12:41 PM
tt's me celebrating my bday @ Swensens. got balloon summore. ahakz!
i'm getting sick of my blogskin. sooo e very pinkish. very hard 2 read e entries summore. i nak tukar but leceh ah. Naf! i need ur help in this. 1 day we go comp lab n change k?
did i mention i went clubbing last Wed? tak sia2 i pegi. really enjoyed myself. thanx to Ain 4 asking me along. i had so much fun tt i went again on Sat. with my hubby. big BIG mistake. he's like such a spoiler ah. so un-sporting. luckily i was very thankful 2 him for treating me 2 Quidam (Cirqur du Soleil). if not, i felt like ditching him sey. i noe i noe, sounds bad rite? but clubbing supposed 2 have fun per...
k 1 thing i gotta mention also. dah kata nak call tu, call ah. kalau cant call, at least inform ah. abih orng tertunggu2 macam buah tak jatuh. dah lah orng msg tak reply. argh! irritating m.c.p.!
me @ comp lab now. wat am i gonna do until 2.30pm??
Suliana Hot Momma at 12:03 PM
Saturday, October 01, 2005
hey peeps, i'm back!
1st of all, sooo sori pasal dah lama tak update. busy busy busy!
the weekend went well. in fact, i wud say tt it was a success although so many ppl cudnt make it. to e ppl tt took time 2 come 4 e bbq/housewarming, thank u sooo much 4 coming. i appreciate it. n those who bought gifts 4 me/Rina, thanx again 4 them. we love all e gifts given. *smilez*
bought 2 tops 4 the weekend thingy n i've been wearing them lately. love those tops. i juz look good in them. hard 4 me 2 look good in anything u noe. i'm like sooo fat. k nvm, save tt whining 4 later.
went ladies nite on Wed. woohoo, tt was fun. i nak pegi lagi! will elaborate again later k? there's sumthing tt i wanna type out n i better do it now b4 i 4get abt it or lose e feeling or sumthing. ok, here goes...
to my darling girlfrens Siti Nafsiyah & Siti Farhaana : i can never thank u both enuff 4 all tt u've done 4 me, esp 4 my bday. u 2 came 4 e bbq n gave me a prezzie, den came 4 e housewarming n gave me a prezzie again. thank u 4 sacrificing ur weekend. next was e swensens lunch. u 2 gladly brought me there even though there was a lot of schwerk 2 b done. my bday aside, u 2 have always been there 4 me in sch. wen i'm happy, u share my joy. wen i'm sad, u cheer me up. wen i'm worried, u help me 2 4get my troubles. n i can always count on e 2 of u wenever it comes 2 schwerk. how can i thank u enuff Naf & Fana? once again girls, thanx 4 being my frens. may our frenship lasts 4ever. insya-allah....
k k i noe, so jiwang rite? juz had 2 get it off my chest. feel much better now. i'll update again soon ya? n those who noe my frenster acct, go see e foto albums. i'm updating a lot of pics.
Suliana Hot Momma at 12:41 AM