Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Rina, Happy Birthday to you..
My beautiful darling princess, Khairina Adrienne, turns TWO today.
2 yrs ago, i was recovering after giving birth. the labour was hard. the delivery was easy. the recovery was not. the stitches hurt like hell. @ tt point of time, i was suffering. i juz delivered my 1st baby. she was crying EVERY single nite. she refused my breastmilk. i felt useless, ugly n frustrated. hubby wasnt there 2 help. we din sleep 2gether bcos i was sleeping wif e baby in my mum's room. our marriage waa on e verge of collapsing. i was still sore 4rm his affair thingy. we argued ALL e time and he almost said THE word 3 times. tt was e most difficult time of my life. n i was only 19.
Suliana Hot Momma at 9:54 PM