Tuesday, March 15, 2005

ok, Rina went down with fever. ARGH!!! leceh nyer...how to enjoy my hols gini?? gotta stay home and nurture her back to health. one more day WASTED!!
k i got that out of my system. i really enjoyed yest event @ CCAB. 1st met Faizal. tt was nice. did warm-up beside him. as usual, he was filled with crap lah. hehe...the more pleasant surprise was meeting this guy i knew from AM. didn't know that he's a teacher. but cool...he's a gd-looking PE teacher. hehe...i feel like a student again. ok boys aside, the aerobics was good. in fact, i felt great after that. plus a lot of free stuff, that's gd. i bought myself a small purse for 6 bucks. all in all, it was a day well spent.

Suliana Hot Momma at 1:44 PM



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