Friday, November 24, 2006
yes u, i miss u
1. Rina's foot is officially off e cast! woohoo...!! gdbye wet towels, hello showers. e bones are healing juz e way they're supposed to. next appt is in Feb. remind me to get sumthing for her gorgeous doctor n tt fantastic nurse =)
2. on Sun, Atuk left us exactly 1 year ago. last yr's 'events' are still vividly playing in my head. i still miss him, a lot. i called Nenek tt day n she cried on e fone. i went over for e
kenduri and stayed there for e next 3 nites. only came back on Wed.
3. Ayah has been warded for his diabetes. he has rashes on his ankles and e doctor wants to monitor them. nuthing serious for now, phew...
4. my holidays are wasting away day by day. all i do is sleep. wenever i'm hm tt is. i caught
Flushed Away wif Rina tt day. had a great laugh :D caught
Casino Royale too. it's fantastic man. classic James Bond. i gotta admit, i was wrong abt David Craig. he's HOT! n i lurrrve e twists in e storyline. trust me ppl, watch it!
5. Raya is over. i juz feel tt dis year wasnt as
meriah as i wanted it to. oh well, there's always next year.
i guess tt's abt it. as for me, i'm getting along fine. trust me babes, i noe wat i'm doing. i'll take care, i'll be cautious. wanna noe sumthing?
i miss u girls sey.
so Rye, Naf, Fana, Dayanah n Ifah aka Rina's mak angkatsss:
biler kiter nak jumpa?
Suliana Hot Momma at 5:40 AM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
foot update
before i delay it any further (
maklumlah, asik update pasal raya jer!), here is an update on Rina's injured foot. when the (
pink!)cast was sawn off almost 2 weeks ago, we had a shock. her wound which at first seemed like juz scraped-off skin, got worse! apparently the same impact which fractured her toes, damaged her tissues too. so when the wound was trapped inside the cast, it deteriorated and grew bigger, with dead tissue covering it (
1st n 2nd picture).
so even though the bones have not healed yet, her foot cannot be casted(is dis a real word?) again. the wound has to heal first. to date, the doctor has been able to remove all the dead tissue, exposing new (
bleeding!)tissues (
3rd picture). now the new tissues have to keep growing and in time, the wound will close. soon i hope. insya-allah...
k ppl, i give warning first eh. e pictures were taken at close range. n they're clear, everything can b seen. esp e 3rd one, where it shows a
big, deep, red hole. so pls DO NOT scroll down if u noe u wont b able to take it.
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:45 PM
Monday, November 06, 2006
Aidilfitri 06 Part III
in respective order...
Day 8
HEREDay 10
HEREDay 11
HEREDay 12
Suliana Hot Momma at 5:07 AM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Aidilfitri 06 Part II
i wrote my 2nd hari raya entry, complete wif photos n links to my multiply foto pg. TWICE. n it failed on me. TWICE. so now i'm pissed.
so ppl, here are e pics.
DAY 5 &
DAY 6sesungguhnyer aku malas nak type2 lagi...
updated: 12:46m. yay! e entry magically appeared. i tink it got lost ah dis morning. pasal driver dier lum bgn. k k, i'm talking crap.
Suliana Hot Momma at 6:51 AM
5th Syawal

went hari raya visiting in e evening.
1st to Nek Ulas's - e last of Nenek's 7 sisters.
den to Andak's house - Ibu's older brother.
took pics wif Shidah, sumthing we do at every hari raya :)
day 5 photos
HERE6th Syawal

started e day wif foto-taking. Rina wanted to pose wif my selendang. tt black n white pic is my favourite of all e poses. so sweet kannn... :)
den went visiting wif my family, Auntie Dah's family n Nenek. Mamang's family joined us later. dis group pic was taken at Nek Kana's house - another one of Nenek's sisters.
day 6 photos
Suliana Hot Momma at 6:37 AM