Monday, May 29, 2006
Chalet @ Aloha - Monday

Suliana Hot Momma at 1:32 AM
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Chalet @ Aloha - Tuesday

Suliana Hot Momma at 10:09 PM
Friday, May 26, 2006
cry baby cry!
i absolutely enjoyed e season finale of American Idol 2006. it beats any previous season finales. my eyes actually watered at certain moments. so cengeng kan?? e finalists/guest singers really took my breath away dis time.
here r juz some of my fav moments...
1) e 6 male finalists singing 2gether. it was soooo nice 2 see my Elliot again. surprisingly Ace sang better. n Kevin aka "chicken little" really impressed me.
2) Elliot's mum winning e "family moment" award. she really deserves it. during e season, my eyes watered everytime she starts crying. cengeng, i noe. me lah, not her. 2 top it all off, Elliot sang wif Mary J Blige. yes, THE Mary J Blige. so cool kan?
3) Mandisa singing confidently when she performed wif e other 5 female finalists. 2 me, it looks as though she's in e finals, NOT Katherine. she's very comfortable in her size. being big really doesnt matter 2 her. she's definitely MY American Idol.
4) Bucky singing "Raindrops keep falling on my head". it was nice. he was my 2nd fav, after Elliot of course.
5) e legendary Diane Warrick (did i spell it rite?) singing on stage LIVE. she's amazingly amazing. took my breath away a few times, esp wen she sang "That's wat frens r for" wif e finalists.
6) e singer formerly known as Prince. enuff said.
n my most fav moment has gotta b...
7) e Clay Aiken surprise. i cried u noe. yes yes, i'm cengeng. i noe tt guy sings horribly but he really deserved e surprise. it takes a lot of guts 2 sing in front of millions of ppl, but he confidently said "ok!". n e expression on his face wen he saw Clay Aiken is priceless lah!
okies, tt's it. i promise tt dis will b my last entry abt american idol k? but i may mention Elliot frm time 2 time. i'm sooo gonna buy his cd wen it comes out.
p.s.- Rina shrieks "Daddy!" everytime Ryan appears on tv. dun ask me y. hehe...
Suliana Hot Momma at 10:55 AM
Monday, May 22, 2006
couch(i.e. tilam) potato plus a whole lot of THANX!
i've been lazy. very very lazy. sooo lazy tt i din even tell e whole world how sad/disappointed i felt wen Elliot had e least no. of votes n was sent hm. my Elliot u noe. my Elliot who moves my heart everytime he sings. now it's down 2 e sex bomb n e crazy fella. i'm sure Ryehan is rooting 4 her Taylor. n 4 once(in American Idol 2006), i am imitating her. i DO NOT wan Katherine 2 win. i noe she's beautiful, sexy, bonds well wif audience wen she gazes into e camera, etc. BUT there have been times wen she din live up 2 her standard. n hence, i DO NOT tink she deserves 2 win. go Taylor go!
next, my chalet was a blast! albeit e probs i had @ hm. e family nite was quite boring bcos everybody including me, my nenek, 1 uncle n all e makciks/cousins were tuning in 2 DIA's last episode. so e bbq macam terbiar gitu. Ibu desperately wanted her desperate housewives but unfortunately everybody else including me, my nenek, 1 uncle n all e makciks/cousins voted 4 DIA. we din regret it 1 bit. it was sooo satisfying 2 c Fifi going down down DOWN. padan dgn muka dia! abih si monyet Andi tu cam maner??
e frens nite was even better! my food committee/Rina's pirated mums i.e. fana, naf, raihan n dayanah arrived early as promised. followed by jannah who brought her tasty cheesecake plus her cutey niece, Aira. fizah n kai arrived soon after. den faizal, jabbar n sufian. oh ya, kai went 2 fetch his gf syikin n brought her e chalet. nice girl, friendly. kai started e fire going easily n viola! e bbq is ready! yazid aka jannah's bf was e expert bbq chef 4 tt nite. e food n e company were great. i love my frens. dgr tu, I LOVE U GUYS & GALS lah! we ate, chatted, joked, ate, gossiped, ate, joked, sang songs, etc. not forgetting e SURPRISE we had 4 dayanah. too bad iffah couldnt b there. iffah, where r u?! thank u sufian 4 brging ur guitar. it was nice of u 2 wan 2 teach Rina. wen she's a bit bigger, u'll b her 1st music instructor k? n thank u faizal 4 playing it. n thank u 2 e others who sang along. jadi cam campfire pulak. n thanx 2 everyone 4 coming.
now abt my probs. things r fine, not well though. i wanna apologise 2 my frens who have been trying 2 help but either i dun pick up calls or dun reply smses. e fact is i've been keeping 2 myself lately. wen i need a listening ear or shoulder 2 cry, u guy/gals will b e 1st ppl i turn 2 k? thank u 4 asking how i am, 4 e concern, thank u 4 caring. aku ok. kalau tak ok pun, terpaksa jugak ok 4 Rina.
e chalet pics will b uploaded soon k? my internet now going crazy ah. bila internet dah siuman balik, e pics will b up. i promise!
Suliana Hot Momma at 5:06 PM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
i dun wanna lose my house!
i tink it's 4 real dis time. although i've been wanting dis ever since e 1st "incident", i must say tt i'm not really looking 4ward 2 it. suddenly flashbacks of good/great memories played inside my mind. argh! i hate being in e grey area. it's either yes/no. it's either stay here forever or get out!
Suliana Hot Momma at 2:00 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
all mixed up!
k, i've got a few things 2 update, hence e above title...
maklumlah...dah lama akak tak update oi...
SATUk 1st, epl is finally over. i love love LOVE my previous entry! chelsea lost its last 2 games to help blackburn n newcastle gain pts while maintaining its reputation(hence e single goal only). murinho does have a heart after all... :)
Final Table:
ChelseaMan Utd
West Ham
Man City
Aston Villa
BirminghamWest BromSunderlandChelsea was ahead by an amazing 8 pts. top of e table 4rm e beginning till e end. oh btw, Ballack is highly reported to be transfering to Chelsea next season. yeah, Ryehan will support Chelsea! rite babe? ;)
DUAk, next news. my dear dear Elliot was in e bottom 2 last week! omg, wat telah happen?? i absolutely definitely whole-heartedly LOVED his rendition of Home (Micheal Buble). korang ni pekak eh?? vote 4 Elliot lah! (korang as in ppl in e US ler) siapa2 ader fren/sedara/scandal/watever lah in e US, pls pls pretty pls send my regards n TELL THEM TO VOTE 4 ELLIOT. thanx eh :)
p.s. - i'm talking abt American Idol. i tink i forgot to mention tt in my excitement.
TIGAmoving on, news no. 3 is......Rina has a new bed! best kan kan kan? but of course she hasnt e courage to sleep in it alone yet. gotta "train" her to be independent. insya-allah...she was so happy to see e new bed. now everytime she wants milk, it's straight to her bed. cute kan...anak aku dah besar lah. i miss her infant-baby-toddler days... :(
HABISk lastly, an update on my hols. nope, i have yet to go out n unwind fully. Rina sakit, den i sakit, den new bed, den bro staying over. bz nyer....! padahal holiday sey....
Suliana Hot Momma at 3:09 AM