Friday, January 27, 2006
okies, it's been 3 days since i saw BSB in concert. n i'm still BSB mania!! so much so tt BSB is appearing in my dreams. n omg, i'm loving it!
since e concert, i've brought my laptop 2 sch twice, juz so i cud look @ e concert pics n videos in between/after lessons. but also to show them off 2 my frens of course, juz 2 make them jealous. haha! as Raihan wud say, "s-i-a-k ah kau!" ahakz! sori lah girls & guy(hmm...who ah?), next time we all go 2gether-gether k? bila tu next time?(errr....)
i've also been singing BSB songs like nobody's business. even wen i'm not singing, e songs r constantly playing in my mind. it's like a permanent BSB jukebox.
"cos my love is all i have to give...without u i dun think i can live...
i wish i cud give e world 2 u...but love is all i have 2 give..."
"quit playing games wif my heart...
i should have known 4rm e start..."
"oh oh i wud love u more than tt...i wont say e words n take them back...
dun give loneliness a listen 2 me wen i say, i wud love u more than tt..."
here i wud like 2 personally thank all my frens, esp Naf & Fana, who has been tolerating my (almost sumbang)singing. an even bigger thanx 2 those who actually join in my singing. wa caya sama lu ah sistas, BSB lives inside us!
to Naf & Fana: keep tolerating k? hmm...i tink dis wud most pun a few mths lah. hehe =p
p.s.-def leppard rocks!
"bringing on e heartbreak, yyeeaahhh...."
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:18 PM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
as u can see 4rm e pics below, i went 4 e Backstreet Boys concert!! i'll let e pics speak 4 themselves k? u can see e whole album here- very 1st "solo" concert i.e. went 2 concert alone. very surprising considering i dun even noe how 2 get 2 e indoor stadium by myself. but 4 BSB, nothing is impossible. well, i managed 2 get 2 e concert din i? even managed 2 get safely back hm =)
Suliana Hot Momma at 2:46 AM

a VERY happy-satisfied-voice-hoarsed-4rm-screaming Backstreet Boys fan

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:44 AM

e stage...

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:41 AM

Howie, Nick, AJ, Kevin & Brian - i will love u guys forever!

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:39 AM

my Kevin again!! - juz look @ him. how not 2 fall in love u tell me??

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:39 AM

Nick, Howie, Kevin, Brian & AJ - showing us they still got e moves. go BSB!

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:37 AM

my Kevin!! - dis was e closest i got 2 him. juz wen i took e shot, he bent down 2 shake e fans' hands. damn!

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:35 AM

Howie, Nick, Brian & Kevin - "feeling" e song...

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:35 AM

Howie - as sweet & charming as ever. my 2nd fav =)

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:35 AM

e (screaming, jumping, estatic, hysterical - tt includes me!) audience

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:32 AM

Nick - posing

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:30 AM

AJ & Kevin - bowing down 2 me? haha, i wish!

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:28 AM

Brian - close-up (well, kinda. tt was e closest i cud go)

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:27 AM

e backstreet boys - opening song

Suliana Hot Momma at 2:26 AM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
my hari raya haji celebrations summarised into a collage...Suliana Hot Momma at 3:56 PM
Friday, January 06, 2006

suddenly i feel so "feeling".
or mayb i juz got too much my hands?
watever it is, these ppl make me who i am 2day.
who am wifout them?
Suliana Hot Momma at 11:52 PM