Saturday, December 31, 2005
sigh...dah last day pun...a whole yr has past? was fast!
significant events in 2005:
1. we bought our very 1st flat. 5-rm flat for 287K. lower than valuation. good price huh. plus it's on e 14th floor. perfect! we moved in june n since then, i've been doing housework non-stop. there's always stuff 2 b done. but wen i see my own place spick n span, it's all worth it.
2. i started sch @ NIE. din noe wat 2 expect @ 1st but now i do. it's not easy but it's not impossible. based on my Sem 1 results, i noe i can do better if i try harder. n tt's exactly wat i intend 2 do in Sem 2. no more Cs. strive towards getting As. go Suliana!
3. Rina started going 2 daycare dis yr. it was very difficult @ 1st. she cried every single day. even i couldn't take it. it was torture 4 me 2 leave my daughter crying like tt. i thought of giving up and taking her off school. but e teachers reassured me tt she'll get over dis phase. they r very kind n easy 2 get along wif. i've even became frens wif Rina's class teacher. nowadays, Rina loves going 2 sch. she willingly goes over 2 her teacher wen i send her 2 her class. e best thing is, she is learning A LOT @ sch. she made frens. she even has her own clique u noe.
4. i lost my grandfather in nov. after being in e hosp 4 almost a mth, he finally left us on e 19th. it was a roller coaster ride 4 me n my family during his stay @ e hosp. @ 1st, he was in e micu in stable condition. then his heart stopped so he was put on life support. i remember rushing 2 e hosp 4rm sch tt day bcos doc said he may "go" anytime. but my ever strong-willed grandfather pulled thru. he improved so much tt doc tranfered him 2 a normal ward. although doc said he was still weak, we were feeling so positive @ tt time. he still needed oxygen but he was already off life support n could eat on his own. i even talked n joked wif him. a few days later, his heart failed again n he went into a coma. my grandfather never woke up. wif his loved ones arnd him, he breathed his last breath on his hosp bed. "i noe ur in a better place now Atok, but i still miss u."
2005 has taught me:
- not to b afraid of new experiences
- not to give up too soon
- remember faith in Allah always bcos wen nobody's arnd, He will always b there 4 me
- there's always a blessing in disguise. every bad thing happens 4 a reason n may end up in good.
- treasure my family members
- treasure my true frens
- being happy 4 a moment doesnt guarantee lifetime happiness
wat i still need 2 learn:
- control my temper
- appreciate wat others do 4 me
- not to procrastinate (very imp!)
- appreciate my darling husband
- cook!
goodbye 2005. thanx 4 e memories n e lessons learnt...
hello 2006. let's get it on!
Suliana Hot Momma at 3:36 PM
ok peeps, i'm officially back in school mode. juz went 2 check my timetable 4 one last time. nuthing has been changed. my thursdays still suck. bluergh! went over 2 blackboard 2 check 4 news.
so far, DCE module update - 3 bks n 1 set of notes to b bought. readings 2 b done b4 tutorial on tues. plus assignment week 1 already out. i'm gonna buy e bks on tues morning itself n hopefully get sum of e readings done. DCM module update - 1 passport foto required. DSM module update - chap 1 they will print. chap 2 gotta print ourselves.
okies, so far so good. cant wait 4 sch on tues. buying books yeah! i always love getting new books. :)
Suliana Hot Momma at 12:45 AM
Thursday, December 29, 2005
guess wat? i'm bad, very bad.
hubby had 2 go back 2 werk juz now arnd 9pm. since he kinda werks @ a coffeeshop n i knew there was an indian stall @ tt coffeeshop, i asked him 2 brg back prata. dunno y, suddenly had craving 4 prata (note: i'm NOT pregnant k). so specifically told him 2 buy lots n lots of prata 4 supper n breakfast 2moro morning.
so there i was, watching tv while waiting 4 him 2 come hm. coffeeshop usually closes by midnite so i called him arnd 12plus. he said they were closing n tt he'll hurry back soon. inside my mind was "yes! prata coming!" i noe i noe, sounds very e glutton kan? but wat 2 do? i really wanted prata. really.
arnd 1, he came back. i din smell any prata so started 2 get suspiciously. i looked @ e dining table macam takde pape. i asked him in my sweetest voice "ayang...i lapar..." n he answered in HIS sweetest voice "ok...ayang nak makan hotdog...?" (note: we always have hotdogs in e freezer in case of hunger emergency)
guess wat i did. come on, guess lah. believe it or not, i started crying. seriously! like i said, i nak makan prata...abih he expected me 2 eat plain hotdogs?? looking @ my reaction, he immediately said "sori lah sayang. prata dah bis. abih u suruh i balik cepat. so i balik ah" inside my mind was "wat?? tt's e best excuse u can give?"
next thing i knew, he was already saying "ok ok, i keluar belikan u prata k?" i swear i din say anything. he tot of tt himself k. but of course i din do anything 2 stop him. i wan my prata! so yupz, now he's out there trying 2 find prata 4 his preciouss wife while i'm here blogging abt how cruel of a wife i am. but hey, dier yg nak keluar belikan per...
here's a small tribute 2 my Khairil Zam
us in 2002
us in 2005
cam? masih compatible tak? i love u sayang!
oh, there he is now...
Suliana Hot Momma at 1:09 AM
Saturday, December 24, 2005
i juz finished watching tsunami: e wave disaster on channelnewsasia. those of u who has read my entries last yr will noe tt i was quite affected by e tsunami disaster. e most disturbing thing tt i couldnt tahan was e fact tt so many children died. e images of their parents crying/praying aloud, hoping for some miracle to happen devastated me. i tried to put myself in their shoes n e thought of losing Rina brought me to tears.
juz now, e program showed footage tt was never shown before. it made me cry again. my tears started to flow even before i saw any dead bodies. e footage showed how e water disappeared n suddenly came back wif force, not once but twice. my tears flowed bcos of fear. i could feel e fear of e person video-taping e disaster. n then came e footage of e wreck tt e tsunami had left. i still remember wat a sri lakan survivor said, "i felt as though e dead bodies were talking to me, asking why i din rescue them, why i din pull them up. i wanted so bad to be e one who died instead. i couldnt take it." another father who recountered his experience: "we din expect it wen e 2nd wave struck. i saw my wife n daughter being washed away. wen e water had gone, i began searching. i found 2 women under some rumble. one of them was my wife. @ e same place, i found my daughter. i brought their bodies to e police station n cremated them 2gether. den i lied down on e beach n said to myself tt if another tsunami struck, i'ld die too."
some footage were shot frm a higher ground so it was clear how gigantic e waves were compared to a mere human being. people were washed away like ants. n e sight of those struggling to cling onto sumthing n stay alive was heart-wrenching. so many lives were taken by sumthing as simple as a lot of water, a LOT of water.
once again i say this, sumthing i've said last yr: my heart goes out to the families of all e victims. after losing my grandfather last mth, i noe how it feels to never see, never talk to, never hug, never kiss sumone u love ever again. i will pray of all of u, esp those children who lost their parents. i tried to imagine how it would be if sumthing happened to me n Rina was left all alone. those children must have felt sooo lost. i hope they're well taken care of. i pray tt they are.Suliana Hot Momma at 3:23 PM
juz finished watching the movie.
Bullshit. Impossible. So there.
Suliana Hot Momma at 1:47 AM
more random pics. 'nuff said.
Merry Christmas...HO HO HO!
Suliana Hot Momma at 12:48 AM
here are random pics taken during e whole time i was MIW (missing in writing).
warning: a LOT of random pics n i malas nak letak captions.

warning: this is an analogy
i like this game. i play it almost every day bcos i almost always win. but then i realised that i always win bcos the game purposely made it easy. i felt cheated. so i switched games n never played tt particular game again.
hmm...did tt make sense? dun tink it was an accurate analogy. but nvm, tt's all i could tink of.
happiness = good luck + confidence + good company = high self-esteem
miserable-ness = bad luck + wat confidence?? + no company = low self-esteem
i cant wait for school to start!
do YOU believe in destiny? Suliana Hot Momma at 12:07 AM