Wednesday, September 29, 2004
It's been long since I've written. The comp was down. Somehow a CD got stuck n broke inside the drive so had to send the CPU for repair. That's why I always say, "TAKE OUT THE CD EACH TIME YOU FINISH PLAYING!" Now you know why right???
Teaching is ok I guess. At least I'm still doing it. But really felt like giving up yesterday. All bcos of P1 kids. They are like devils! Seriously! Really felt like smacking a few of them. Even worse than P5. Wonder how they are going to behave as they grow up. God save their parents...
I turned 21 that day. Nothing special, as usual. Haven't had a nice birthday celebration in ages. Sigh...I hate my life! On the lighter side, there's gonna be a TPP outing! Yea! At least can share experiences with them. I really missed the two days course with them, and SG of course...Everytime I encounter a problem in school, I always think of what SG said...think of my friends from TPP who may be experiencing the same problems...and that makes me wanna go on. Can't wait to see you guys!
P.S.-Did I mention that I hate my life? Argh!!!!!
Suliana Hot Momma at 10:38 AM
Saturday, September 18, 2004
1st week @ school was ok i guess. meet the principal on my 1st day, very very nice lady. had an "encounter" with the vice-principal the 1st day also...she's not one to be trifled wif. luckily i knew how to handle the situation. the HODs are all very nice. every day 1 or 2 will come up to me and ask how i'm doing. the teachers themselves are ok i guess...some friendly, some not so. all in all, so far so good. :)
as for life itself, my daughter turned 1 on monday! i can't believe it's been a year. still can vividly remember the delivery itself. still can remember how small she was. and now she's like taking her 1st steps! she walked a few steps yesterday, so 17.09.04 is Rina's official "1st step" day! i'll be 21 soon to..specifically the 27th Sept *hint* old liaoz...i wish i could go back to sec sch. no worries then. get to see my friends every day. get to admire my crush every day...hehe...
ok then, i gotta go. me, hubby n Rina are going out for our very own Zam Family celebration. wish me luck for my 2nd week of teaching! n good luck to my fellow TPP friends for their 2nd week of teaching. may the force be wif us... ;)
Suliana Hot Momma at 3:23 PM
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Abt a year ago, multi-tasking to me was checking my mail while chatting on irc while updating my online diary while preparing worksheets for my students. Yesterday, I realised something. Now, multi-tasking to me is ironing my hubby's shirt while trying to wake him up while toasting bread for breakfast. Oh my god! I am such an auntie now!
Suliana Hot Momma at 2:02 PM
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
I was awake from 5.13am ironing my hubby's shirt and pants and getting everything ready for his 1st day @ work. Dia yg 1st day, kita pulak yg kanciong. Sigh..the life of a wife. Gonna wake him up soon @ 7.00am, then make breakfast, then make sure he doesn't forget anything, then FINALLY can go back to sleep.
Suliana Hot Momma at 6:34 AM